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3 Reasons to try a Flexitarian Diet

After a bit of over indulging over the holidays, the New Year is always a great time to think about different foods that help your body and mind feel lighter and brighter. But, with so many different food plans and diets being thrown around, we think that the best way to think about what you eat should start with a bit of balance rather than an “all in” approach. Flexitarinism (a combination of the best of vegetarianism and a meat based diet) could be the perfect way to create a bit more of that balance in your life. Here’s a few reasons why we love it, and how you can get started.

  1. It’s hard to mess up

One of the reasons people choose to follow a flexitarian diet is simply because it allows you to be more flexible than other diets, with the gradual change making it easier to incorporate and maintain into your lifestyle.

  1. It’s better for the environment

The more meat we consume, the more we add to the rise of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. About 17% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the food we eat. By reducing meat in their diet, flexitarians considerably cut down on their carbon emissions, making mother nature one VERY happy lady!

  1. You can still eat meat

Some flexitarians will tell you that saving the planet shouldn’t equate to harming yourself. One of the biggest potential issues with an absolutely meat-free diet is losing out on the essential proteins and minerals. Our natural immune system heavily relies upon the consumption of zinc, and deficiency of this mineral in the body leads to wounds taking much longer to heal. Although some vegetables can provide these minerals, the variants and quantities are just not that appreciable. So it’s important to be knowledgeable about what vegetables you should be eating and when you should be eating them.

I’m convinced, how do I start?
Try to take it slow. You can start by gradually reducing the meat content of your meals. Maybe start off by not ordering double patties on your burger and go with something lighter instead. You get to decide your own pace, but you must be convinced about it. The next thing you need to know is that you will have to setup proper cheat days for yourself. It can be every dinner every Saturday night or just the second Sunday morning breakfast each month. One last thing you need to know is that being a flexitarian does NOT mean that you are giving up on good tasting food. There are thousands of really great tasting vegetarian recipes that you can try. For example, not only can you buy prime quality ingredients and meals from Tasty Bite®, they also have some really amazing recipes to offer.


3 Reasons to try a Flexitarian Diet

3 Reasons to try a Flexitarian Diet

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