8 Benefits of Spinach

A lot of people don’t like vegetables, but the benefits of one of them can make you rethink your preferences. It’s spinach, a super food that is loaded with all the nutrients you need – minus the calories. Here are some reasons why you should consider adding spinach to your diet.

As an Antioxidant

Detoxification rids your body of heavy metals and also aids in the absorption of nutrients and antioxidants. Fresh spinach leaves are a great source of antioxidant vitamins like vitamin A and C. The dark green leaves of spinach also contain chlorophyll, which helps your colon and liver remove toxins.

Promotes Bone Mass

Your body needs a healthy dose of vitamin K on a regular basis to maintain bone mass – and spinach has loads of it. 100g of fresh spinach provides you with 402% of your daily requirement for the day. Vitamin K is important for retaining calcium in your bones, as well.

In addition to this, spinach contains loads of minerals like magnesium, zinc, phosphorous, and manganese, which contribute to bone mass. The presence of these minerals strengthens the body against diseases like osteoporosis.

Source of Iron

Spinach is a rich source of iron. Hemoglobin, a protein molecule in red blood cells, needs iron to carry oxygen through your body. Plus, it also promotes the growth of healthy skin, hair, nails, and cells.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Everything from working out to getting inured makes your muscles swell. Spinach is a great source of nutrients that reduce inflammation and make it faster for your body to recover. In addition to Vitamin E, the greens are a great source of anti-inflammatory compounds, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Improves Metabolism

If you feel more tired than you should for most of the day, start eating spinach. The Protein and high fiber content in the vegetable gives your organs a metabolic boost, and your body the energy it needs to perform at its optimal best.

Prevents Cancer

Studies show spinach as a promising preventative measure and treatment for cancer. For example, research shows that the vegetable is effective against prostate cancer due to the presence of carotenoids which reduce the spread of tumorous activity.

Improves Eyesight

The anti-inflammatory nature of spinach can also prevent your eyes from getting too puffy or irritable. It also contains beta-carotene, xanthenes, and lutein which improve your vision. Beta-carotene, sourced from cooked spinach, can keep your eyes from going dry and prevents itchiness, as well. The nutrients and minerals present in spinach also strengthen your eyes against harsh UV rays which can lead to conditions like cataracts.

Neurological Benefits

Studies show that a folate deficiency contributes to degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Spinach, a rich source of folate, can be good for people who are at risk of contracting neural deficiencies. The vegetable is also a great source of Potassium, known to increase blood flow to the brain, which aids in concentration and cognition.


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